“The greatest version of you is not the I can do anything version of you. The greatest version of you if the disciplined version of you. The greatest version of you is the version of you that has parameters”

- Mike Todd

In today's fast-paced world, cultivating disciplined habits has become more important than ever. Whether it's in our personal lives or our professional endeavors, having a strong foundation of discipline can be the key to success as we manage to do thing’s consistently well rather than having that one eureka moment. One powerful habit that can help us develop and uphold a disciplined outlook in multiple avenues is sport and physical activity. In this blog post, we will explore how engaging in sports provides an exceptional foundation for discipline and why it is crucial to prioritize these activities in both our spare time and professional lives.

I’ve been striving to remained disciplined through regular routine:

Sport and physical activity inherently require discipline. Whether you're a professional athlete or someone who enjoys recreational sports, participating in these activities demands consistency, commitment, and adherence to a routine. Engaging in regular physical exercise helps us develop a sense of structure and discipline in our daily lives. It teaches us the importance of setting goals, creating schedules, and following through with our plans. By integrating sports into our routines, as a group or on our own, we learn to prioritize our physical well-being and establish a strong work ethic.

Setting goals can give you something to aim for and persevere through struggle.

Sports provide a fantastic platform for setting goals and working diligently to achieve them. Whether it's improving our performance, mastering a new technique, or reaching a personal milestone, sports encourage us to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. The process of setting goals in sports translates into other areas of life, fostering discipline and perseverance. Through consistent practice, we develop the ability to stay focused, overcome challenges, and maintain our motivation even when faced with setbacks. For example, I’ve always enjoyed being active and pushing myself at the gym, but didn’t begin to see progress until I had a target to aim for. This year I wanted to squat 100kg; in the last month I successfully completed 5 reps of 100kg therefore I’m in the market for a new target in the 213 days 2023 has left!

Selectively choosing what I spend my time on has made a huge difference in all areas of my life:

Engaging in sport and physical activity requires effective time management and prioritization skills. Balancing training sessions, competitions, and recovery time alongside other commitments necessitates discipline in organizing and utilizing our time efficiently. By integrating sports into our lives, we learn to prioritize our physical well-being and recognize the importance of allocating time for self-care and personal growth. These habits spill over into our professional lives, enabling us to manage our time effectively, meet deadlines, and make the most of our resources.

I’ve noticed my own resilience and mental health benefit massively:

Sport and physical activity contribute to the development of resilience and mental strength, which are essential components of discipline. The challenges encountered during sports, such as physical exertion, competition, and overcoming obstacles, push us beyond our comfort zones. Engaging in these activities teaches us to embrace discomfort, persevere in the face of adversity, and maintain focus even when the going gets tough. The mental fortitude gained from sports spills over into other aspects of life, helping us stay disciplined in our personal and professional pursuits.

Holistic well-being is what we should all be aiming for:

Apart from discipline, sport and physical activity promote holistic well-being. Regular exercise releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves mental clarity, which positively impact our ability to maintain disciplined habits. Engaging in physical activity enhances our physical health, boosts our energy levels, and improves our overall quality of life. By prioritizing our well-being through sports, we create a solid foundation for discipline and enhance our capacity to excel in other areas of life.

So Alex, why is the greatest version of myself the version with parameters?

Sport and physical activity offer a fantastic foundation for developing disciplined habits that are invaluable in our personal and professional lives. By engaging in these activities, we cultivate routine, goal-setting, time management, resilience, and holistic well-being. The discipline gained through sports spills over into other aspects of our lives, empowering us to excel and achieve our goals. Therefore, it is essential to prioritise happy and healthy habits and activities by dedicating time and effort to upholding disciplined habits both within our spare time and in our professional pursuits. For me, this looks like regular reflection, exercising with friends and inspiring young people through school sport. Let's embrace the power of sports to build a disciplined foundation and unlock our true potential while still recognising what habits serve us and which ones detract from our pursuit of our goals.

213 days to go. Let’s make today your day one.

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